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Reply To: Printing one of the Titan Forge Patreon minis with supports already done!

Home Forums 3D Printing for Tabletop Gaming Printing one of the Titan Forge Patreon minis with supports already done! Reply To: Printing one of the Titan Forge Patreon minis with supports already done!


Cult of Games Member

It’s difficult to understand what – if any – the differences are between the adverts; mine came with the resin vat already with the FEP in place. I bought spares but haven’t yet had the “joy” of having to change it. The instructions that came with mine said I’d have to assemble the vat (fit the FEP film) but it was already in place.

I bought mine through ebay user anycubic3dcom and recently all their adverts had “authorised dealer” stickers on them. Now there’s someone else claiming that, user anycubic-3d-printer ( and their advert specifically says it includes a FEP film.

The photo in your link for £259 appears to show the vat with FEP fitted (and the description says it’s ready to print out of the box) and this is the one I’d be tempted to have a go at. You could always drop them a message via ebay, asking for clarification (or, at least, ask if the FEP is fitted to the vat).

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