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Reply To: Cursed City: Hope for "Grand Alliance of Death" for future expansions ?

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Cursed City: Hope for "Grand Alliance of Death" for future expansions ? Reply To: Cursed City: Hope for "Grand Alliance of Death" for future expansions ?


Cult of Games Member

Although for Silver Tower and Hammerhal they released card sets and White Dwarf sryicles etc, they changed tack for Blackstone Fortress. For Blackstone Fortress they released the expansions which included miniatures, rules and usually scenarios for both existing 40k miniatures and some new ones; I think it can safely be said that Blackstone Fortress was very successful, especially the expansion sets, which are now very hard to come by. I would see them copying that model again for Cursed City, so don’t expect to see stand alone cards and rules for other parts of the Age of Sigmar range.

Also if you look at the map of the cursed city there’s loads of zones, I predict those zones will be boxed expansions that contain minions and a boss

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