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Cult of Games Member

.@sundancer I did my best by not lifting a finger to do housework all weekend! I did manage a little hobby but mostly just lay on the couch, snoozing and catching up with YouTube. Got my TerrainFest project started though so pledge complete ✔️ Did you get to your bits and bobs?

.@blinky465 meh, I like that AP are seriously addressing their reputation as a paint manufacturer over the last couple of years but I’m not enough of a painter to get excited about a new paint range. I buy the paint I can most easily get a hold of in my local shops – mostly GW and Vallejo though one has recently started with Two Thin Coats but I haven’t been in since – if one of them carries it, I’ll give it a try. I do wonder if this is them lining up the original AP range to put taken out back and shot.

I had today booked off work so I’ve been starting in on (another!) new project and listening to the second of the new Zahn authored Thrawn trilogy audiobook.

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