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Victrix 12mm WW2

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This topic contains 23 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  timmoth 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Just had an e-mail from Victrix

    They have set up a new company Victrix Games and and are starting it with WW2

    and wait for it in 12 mm scale..

    I’m saying nothing!


    We’re excited to announce the we have set up a new company called Victrix Games.

    This is a subsidiary company of Victrix Limited and will be focused on bringing you fully functional gaming systems as well as high quality vehicles and figures to use in these games.

    Our products

    Our first launch is a 12mm Wold War II gaming system. We have chosen 12mm as it allows gaming on a 1:1 scale for all vehicles and figures.

    By ensuring that 1 vehicle/figure represents 1 vehicle/figure in real, life, it gives the game a more authentic feel, with the attritional nature of war being ever present in the gamers’ mind.

    12mm allows for realistic scale actions even on a small 6ft by 4ft gaming table without the battle looking overcrowded and unrealistic. You decide how big or small you want the game to be.

    This first theatre will be based on Normandy 1944. It includes separate British, German and American forces. The game is predominantly a tank and infantry-based system but will also include rules for ground attack aircraft.

    Other theatres currently being developed include North Africa and the Eastern Front.


    Upcoming Releases

    The system is based around a set of core rules which are scheduled to be released in late 2020. However, for those already keen to get their hands on Victrix Games’ products, you’ll be glad to hear that in the meantime we will be releasing several vehicle and figure sets based on the Normandy 1944 theatre. You can expect these to be available in early 2020.


    First wave of releases includes (early 2020):

    German Forces

    Panther Ausf G
    Panzer IV Ausf H
    Tiger I
    Stug III
    Sdkfz 251/D + Variants

    British Forces

    Sherman M4A3
    Sherman Firefly
    M3/M5 Half Track

    US Forces

    Sherman M4A3
    M5 A1 Stuart
    M3/M5 Half Track

    Second wave of releases (late 2020):

    German Forces

    King Tiger
    Pal 40 + Crew
    Panzar Grenadiers
    Support Weapons
    88mm + Crew
    105mm + Crew
    JagdPz IV

    British Forces

    Bren Carrier + Variants
    6pdr + Crew
    British Tommies
    Support Weapons
    Lloyd Carrier
    Armoured Car tbc

    US Forces

    57mm + crew
    US Infantry
    Supports Weapons
    GMC + Jeeps

    Thanks to the use of smaller cutting tools, we have really been able to accommodate the finer details of the tanks. You’ll notice that these vehicles have even sharper details than some larger scale models.

    We hope you’re excited as us for the release of these superb figures. We’ll be bringing you more Victrix Games’ details over the coming weeks. Keep your eyes peeled for updates.

    Victrix Limited |

    ‌    ‌    ‌ Photos not moved over , but do look nice.


    Cult of Games Member

    sooooo FoW but a bit smaller? Oo



    It’s worth jumping on facepage and checking out the posts about this.

    I’ve seen one person who thinks it’s positive and dozens falling over themselves to point out how  wank this is.

    Seriously whoever put this as a viable Idea needs a drug screening before they harm someone in a meth and coke fueled rage.


    Cult of Games Member

    This is weird….. yet another scale…. did anyone really asked for this? oO


    Cult of Games Member

    Maybe it’s a typo and they meant to say 15 mm ?

    That’s what their current ground attack airplane kits are …
    It’d be kind of silly to create new scale that doesn’t include any of your existing inventory.

    “Our figures will also be compatible with most 10mm ranges …”

    So it may be more like 10mm heroic scale what they are doing … 😉




    no they did not.


    Cult of Games Member

    Hey, at least it will be a sought after collectible in a few years 😉



    These are 1/144 and 10mm is what?  Pendraken is 1/150… what do other manufacturers scale their vehicles to?  One thing it does highlight, describing the size of a vehicle as 12mm is stupid.


    Cult of Games Member

    I think these will sell ok The 10/12mm size or 1/160 to 1/144  are pretty interchangeable sizes with out any noticeable  difference so can see the fitting in with both Pendraken  and Pithead miniatures without any problem  I think it will come down to cost.Both the previously  mentioned companies  are reasonable  so the cost gor these would need to be under £3 vehicle to make them viable


    *edit It would seem that either Pithead have either ceased trading or their website is down


    Cult of Games Member

    @avernos think you pretty much summed up what I thought when I read it.


    Cult of Games Member

    Really…12mm ?  makes no sense…. but if people wish to kick start my new company i will make ww2 in 13mm… Yes the real scale…… “the world is mine”…..


    Cult of Games Member

    Looking at the release dates, you start of with tanks and artillery…., but then you can’t have infantry till almost  a year later, assuming the release is on time. Now a lot of rules FOW comes immediately to mins start with just tank rules, except their own rules are not coming out till …..some possible date.

    Somehow unless its an amazing stand at some show(Salute possibly) cant see an awful lot of takers.

    As a scale not sure you gain much in tables space over 15mm and their already is 10mm and not forgettin 1/200th (9mm?)the later still being produced by the company that took over skytrex’s molds.




    Oddly, given my recent Cold War foray using 12mm and the fact they are using the same digital designer as PSC, I’m rather excited by it.

    The size has alot of benefits over 15mm, in terms of gaming space and has more detail and ease of recognition than 6mm. I like it alot as a gaming size… but then I already have the scenery and dont own any ‘mass battle’ scale WW2 stuff. Plus it will suit my reworking of NorthAG for WW2. In short, I have none of the concerns others may have it would be ‘new’ to me, and have never played FoW or used 15mm for WW2.

    Of course, I may very well be in a minority here, and judging by comments here and on Facebook, I certainly seem to be. I know my purchases wont keep a company going…


    Cult of Games Member

    If it fits in with Pendraken and pithead I will be interested



    A guy on facepage is talking about going to his ideal scale of 13.876749mm if that’s not too much scale creep you could join him.

    Otherwise I’m fairly certain the market will sustain both of you and my plans for a 14mm


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