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Zorro: The Roleplaying Game on Kickstarter

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  midnightblue 6 years ago.

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    Just in time for Zorro’s 100th anniversary (1919-2019), here’s another great looking addition to the Pulp genre…Zorro: The Roleplaying Game by Gallant Knight Games using a take on West End Games’ D6 system.

    You might remember the WEG’s D6 system from such great games as The Star Wars RPG (one of my favorites!), Ghostbusters, Men In Black, DC Universe, Hercules & Xena, Indiana Jones, and a ton of others.  Well now Gallant Knight Games is using a 2E version for Zorro: The Roleplaying Game.

    To the best of my knowledge, this is the first Zorro RPG and I can’t wait to see more!  Besides my love of Zorro, my head is already swimming with other properties this could easily be adapted to…pretty much any swashbuckling character/setting should be nearly a cut and paste conversion.  And knowing D6, adapting the rules in the book to pretty much anything else shouldn’t be hard at all.


    There’re about 8 days left in this funded Kickstarter.  Just FYI.

    *Jumps on Tornado and rides away!*


    Cult of Games Member

    But…. not everyone in the party can be zorro….. oO



    Now this is something that I didn’t expect. An RPG based on legendary Zorro. This could easily be gateway RPG to other RPGs like DnD has been so far but thanks to being based on Zorro.



    So true…he is one of a kind.

    But his legacy can inspire others (as he clearly did Batman) in the same or other settings.




    Here’s an actual play session of Zorro: The Roleplaying Game from the crew at Victory Condition Gaming and game mastered by the game’s designer himself, Alan Bahr:




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