AdeptiCon 2018 Live Blog!

Welcome To Day One of Adepticon 2018!
After the whirlwind announcements from Games Workshop last night, we had a chance to catch our breath and get ready to bring you the best that gaming has to offer. Are you ready? Don't forget to comment for your chance to win an amazing prize!
Your coverage makes it easier to deal with not being able to make it to Adepticon this year. More SW Legions and Age of Sigmar coverage please, thank you!
great coverage, I want to get news from CCON and Infinity!
Hopefully next year I can make it to Adepticon. Looks like a good time with lots to see.
Looks like tons of fun. Have a great weekend.
OMG Are there some of those sweet new knights? I’d love to see some new knights 😀
Hi I would like to see soda pop miniatures
Sadly they aren’t here this year 🙁
Pics and vids of em all is what we want!
This is amazing!
Adepticon is fun
10mm Napoleonics? Yeah, that’s intriguing…
If its the one I’m thinking of it looks like there using Magister Militum figures
I am very excited to see the paint showcase.
If Mythic Games are there, please try to check in with them. Thanks.
Sadly, no Mythic Games. 🙁 I wanted to see them too!
I would love it if you went to say hi to “the long war” team at booth 801. Thank you
Day one is a good start!
Looking forward to seeing what you guys cover 🙂
Could we maybe see ALL the toys? All of them? You did pack yout time turners, right?
Would Hermione Granger go anywhere without one? 😉
I’d like to see some Wild West Exodus!
We’ll definitely get with Warcradle for you.
It must be difficult to fully enjoy a con when you have to report on so much. I’m sure it’s better than not being there at all, though!
Someday I will make it there.
Want to see anything and everything.
Doing these in Order the BAG sounds CRAZY already
Show us the swag!
Does Kingdom Death hit adepticon?
Sadly they’re not here. 🙁
This is terrific! 🙂
Can’t wait to see all of the things,lol.