Unleash The Juiced Hex Beasts On Warcradle’s Wild West Exodus

March 4, 2021 by brennon

Warcradle Studios has a monstrous option for you to include as part of your Hex warband in Wild West Exodus. The Juiced Hex Beasts (a name that sounds tastier than it should) are a new set of 35mm miniatures you can pre-order this month.

Juiced Hexbeasts Box - Wild West Exodus

Juiced Hex Beasts // Wild West Exodus

Here is the background to these rather terrifying mutant beasts which have been unleashed on the Old West...

"For those poor unfortunate souls who transform into Hex Beasts, an even more gruesome fate awaits. Known as Juiced Hex Beasts, these creatures have been studied by the Enlightened for several years now and the reason for this further mutation has yet to be fully understood. What is known is that at some point the RJ-1027 within each Hex Beast metastasises and begins to become highly unstable and volatile. The Hex Beast grows physically more aggressive and formidable until, in a final spasm of mutagenic ecstasy, the Juiced Hex Beast detonates with horrific consequences for anyone in the vicinity. It is for this reason that Hex Beasts are reviled and Juiced Hex Beasts are feared - whole settlements being abandoned if one takes up residence and will not be driven into the wilds beyond."

When there are mysterious chemicals, power sources and magic floating about in the world you really don't want to be touching anything that hasn't had a wipe down or cleansed with magic. This set comes with two Hex Beasts and a Hexalith which acts as a source of terrifying power.

Juiced Hexbeasts Miniatures - Wild West Exodus

Juiced Hex Beasts Miniatures // Wild West Exodus

These are the kind of miniatures that you could have a lot of fun painting. Because they are so (quite frankly) messed up, you can forgo all manner of traditional painting and just get stuck in with wild and strange colour schemes. I like the idea of going with a mottled and perhaps bloated skintone which is then highlighted by those glowing pustules which adorn their bodies.

You could even go with a few different colours if you wanted to step away from the traditional colour of RJ-1027. I reckon an eerie green would work just as well on these terrifying creatures.

Are you going to unleash a pair of Hex Beasts on your opponent?

Disclosure: OnTableTop and its companies are part of the group of companies owned and operated by Wayland Games Ltd since 12/10/2020.

"I like the idea of going with a mottled and perhaps bloated skintone which is then highlighted by those glowing pustules which adorn their bodies..."

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