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Aleksandra Cvetanovski - Celestial Genesis Masters Painting Invitational 2018

Aleksandra Cvetanovski - Celestial Genesis Masters Painting Invitational 2018

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Tutorial on Chrome nmm and Yellow nmm

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 2
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As you can notice. From the first step I already have clear vision what relections ges where on the metal.1. First spet is sketching. After painting different metal shapes and surfaces, I have clear idea how reflections and lights will behave. Sometimes even not going into realistic approach, but more fun and artistic. 2.After sketching, there is refining. Adding and subtract. Blending on the places where contrast is softer, leaving hard reflections on the places where contrast is stronger. 3. For the end, adding details, strongest light, on some edges, folding. Defining and explaining shape with strong light reflection on it. Defining strong still surface with hard reflecting light. As you can notice. From the first step I already have clear vision what relections ges where on the metal.1. First spet is sketching. After painting different metal shapes and surfaces, I have clear idea how reflections and lights will behave. Sometimes even not going into realistic approach, but more fun and artistic. 2.After sketching, there is refining. Adding and subtract. Blending on the places where contrast is softer, leaving hard reflections on the places where contrast is stronger. 3. For the end, adding details, strongest light, on some edges, folding. Defining and explaining shape with strong light reflection on it. Defining strong still surface with hard reflecting light.

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your NMM always look so amazing 🙂 the reflections are really bright and vivid 🙂

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