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How to be an Armoured Farmer, building Hobart's Funnies in Glorious 15mm (and maybe 28mm if they arrive in time!)

How to be an Armoured Farmer, building Hobart's Funnies in Glorious 15mm (and maybe 28mm if they arrive in time!)

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Tutoring 6
Skill 4
Idea 4
So I had ordered some very specific decals for these vehicles as i wanted them to represent specific units. I had placed and order with a guy who regularly does this sort of thing but he is extremely busy and has told me that i could be waiting at least 3 months for my order to even be processed. Therefore it is with slight annoyance that i am going to have to park this project for a while and then come back to it when i either receive my order, or learn how to do my own ones. Any tips anyone??? I shall therefore leave you with a poignant photo of some Royal Engineers on Sword Beach looking at the aftermath of the battle and most likely thinking SHIT! we're going to have to clear this lot up! For the rivet counters, i know they are sappers as all D Day assault unit sappers had a white band painted around their helmets (Not much of a target for Jerry then eh!?)So I had ordered some very specific decals for these vehicles as i wanted them to represent specific units. I had placed and order with a guy who regularly does this sort of thing but he is extremely busy and has told me that i could be waiting at least 3 months for my order to even be processed. Therefore it is with slight annoyance that i am going to have to park this project for a while and then come back to it when i either receive my order, or learn how to do my own ones. Any tips anyone??? I shall therefore leave you with a poignant photo of some Royal Engineers on Sword Beach looking at the aftermath of the battle and most likely thinking SHIT! we're going to have to clear this lot up! For the rivet counters, i know they are sappers as all D Day assault unit sappers had a white band painted around their helmets (Not much of a target for Jerry then eh!?)

Also, for the spotters, there is an SBG and AVRE in front of the LCT, and what appears to be an armoured bulldozer in the far right of the photo.

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Congratulations fabulous work on your project @brucelea the extra details an pictures are stunning. The work these tanks filled probably helped stop the Germans turn D-Day into a blood bath on the beaches.

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