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CRC's Crazy Compendium 2; Eclectic Boogaloo

CRC's Crazy Compendium 2; Eclectic Boogaloo

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I kind of hate subassemblies sometimes...

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 3
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Finally got my Victrix Honour Guard finished (after having them for about 2 years)! I built them as subassemblies so I could get the lining of the cloak and the legs painted relatively easily. Downside there is that it meant the shoulder over the shield arms had to be fixed on afterwards…and the seam shows… I did my best to ‘hide’ it by making sure that the gap wasn’t too visible, but I didn’t succeed very well…

I might need to drop some shade into the gap between the U and the laurel on the bottom of the shields just to break them up a tad...I might need to drop some shade into the gap between the U and the laurel on the bottom of the shields just to break them up a tad...
A little blurry in this pic... Once I'm in a place with better lighting then the pic quality will improve...A little blurry in this pic... Once I'm in a place with better lighting then the pic quality will improve...
Mainly stuck to 'canon' colours with a few tweaks. Added a red trim on a knee pad to tie to the 3rd Coy, and I painted the Crux Terminatus as stone because they should be stone!Mainly stuck to 'canon' colours with a few tweaks. Added a red trim on a knee pad to tie to the 3rd Coy, and I painted the Crux Terminatus as stone because they should be stone!
And the Lloyd shot.And the Lloyd shot.

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