Raiding the Dusty Wastes
Roc on with your bad self
Sitting around with my thumb up my bum has not been my recent state of being. Yes, I have been a quiet noseblower as of late for good reason. Lots and lots of work has been done in the quiet time since last time there was an update.
All the fine feathery glory
Monstrous update
The cyclops has been a treat to work on as I moved on with my Harryhousen tribute. I have found that the skin tone of the model varied depending on the color saturation of the film you watch so I’ve gone with what I felt best worked. Basing was done along the lines of the film canon. Hassn’s stockpile of treasure couldn’t be more safe under his care. The problem for now is getting more base tufts and trying to paint match for the fallen rubble. I’ve used all the tufts for the rest of my force that Army Painter coproduced when they worked with Mininatur. I think the Autumn tufts match so I’ll order some of those soon. I’ve also gone in for Vallejo’s color Buff to get the last color I remember. No Brainmatter Beige here.
There was design work for the djinn to receive a water transfer on his back. My only issue is getting white as a color for transfer color. As noted, Islam does have magical application, theoretically, so this mythological figure ties into culture and the story of Alladin without issue. It will read
أنا ملزم بإرادة سيدي. هذا العبد يطيع إرادته ويخضع تحته.
I am bound by the will of my master. This servant obeys his will and submits under it.
With parts proudly flapping in the breeze
I’ve also gone and purchased some Little Big Men Studios Arab lance pennants to add some visual interest to my forces. I may have been influenced by the Napoleonic lancers that Warren had attack a certain orky Kruzer in showing off an ice mat in studio. From there I went back into the archives of Gerry Cans and pulled a note of interest that I thought to follow up on with calligraphy paper from Japan or China made from rice not mulberry.
Doing the research on this I’m getting that this kind of paper has a tendency to bleed ink. It might be due to brush calligraphy but it might not the best suited for a printer either. For now, I can pass.
I did find another cross hobby tip for making stiffened banners. Vantage Modelling Solutions offer a resin for use on paper for stowage canvas for scale armor models and the like. I bought some when I first saw the advertisement at the point I began design work on my own pennants and other bits I proudly present to go flapping in the breeze. Testing the material shows great promise for the future.
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