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Saga "The Old Worldish"

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Day 10 - Visits From The Hobby Goods!

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Mrs Doyle: Oh, and the language out of her. You wouldn't hear it from a docker! Fecking this, fecking that...

Father Dougal: Ah, you would. They use very bad language.

Well today was a good day!

It seems that I was visited by the Hobby Gods themselves in their terrestrial form in the Unofficial Hobby Hangout, which was a really nice surprise. Especially as I had only ever watched one Unofficial Hobby Hangout before which was last week to fill the weekender hole in my life and now, I have another one to watch!

And to add to beneficence of our Hobby Gods… “Brewer’s Big Box of Beastmen” was waiting for me on my desk when I returned from what was, I am told was an important meeting which “which have an impact on the future of the company”. Can’t remember was the meeting was about to be honest.

Hobby energised I rushed home to put my bounty together. But had to stop myself.

How to make things not sideways?How to make things not sideways?

I had a half-painted model on the desk, my Bray Shaman, and I want to make sure that I don’t do what I usually do… put it to the side, promising myself I will go back to it, never going back to it.

The base coating had been done and I want to keep motivation going. Finish something and move on. I’ve already started to be distracted by ideas for other forces so keeping the mojo going on the painting side is really important to me. Afterall, I want an army I have painted. Its always been a goal, and this could be my chance to do it.

Speaking of finishing things…

Finshed! Finshed!

…well aside from the basing. Agrax earthshade is marvelous thing!

Which means one thing…

My Hearthguard/Bestigor Pile of Potential!My Hearthguard/Bestigor Pile of Potential!

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