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Building the Old West

Building the Old West

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Fists and Lead Fly

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3

Brought out the town and introduced four new players to the game. This time the outlaws were facing off against the lawmen and trying to spring someone from the jail. Simultaneously the Cowboys and Pinkertons were questioning townsfolk trying to locate a specific woman.

The special rules for this scenario was that the lawmen can’t shoot until someone else starts shooting first but!, they can fisticuff at anytime. But once the shooting begins every building has its doors locked and have to be broken down to be entered. Worst, once entered a civilian takes a point blank potshot at the first person to enter the building.  However they never shoot at the lawmen.  After that, the civilian scampers off and anyone can freely enter that one building.  I used some armed civilians as markers and removed them once they fired their one shot.

Glory at high noon! Glory at high noon!
The Sheriff and a deputy guard the jail.  The Sheriff and a deputy guard the jail.
The saloon owner stands by to repel all ruffians.  .  The saloon owner stands by to repel all ruffians. .
A massive fistfight in the center of town as the Pinkertons and Cowboys vie to kidnap and/or rescue Miss Belle.  A massive fistfight in the center of town as the Pinkertons and Cowboys vie to kidnap and/or rescue Miss Belle.

The outlaws had a rough time starting with the poor unfortunate who tried to “wagon jack “ a farmer delivering goods to the market and got KOed for his troubles. They then closed range to the lawmen and once they opened fire, missed and lost three more gang members in the subsequent fire fight.

Meanwhile, the Cowboys and Pinkertons located Miss Belle surprisingly early. Every time they questioned a civilian they rolled a die and added the total number of civilians questioned to the die roll. Once they rolled the result was over ten, Miss Belle was placed on the board halfway between the vying forces. Because both sides were afraid of shooting Miss Belle by accident they decided to fist fight instead of using guns.  Themis eventually turned into an amazing fight in the center of town that eventually drew in eight of the ten combatants. Ultimately the Pinkertons won and returned Miss Belle to her father the evil railroad baron.

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As a mustachioed menace myself, I approve of the railroad Baron getting his daughter back.

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