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Saga “The Old Worldish”

Saga “The Old Worldish”

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Project Blog by brewer1980 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 284

About the Project

I've always been interested in Saga, for example, and so have decided to dive in. The thing is I am terrible at starting projects, updating projects, building armies, painting armies, playing games... well that’s enough of that. Oh, and identifying historical armies. Which is what inspired me, and what this project is about. The plan, as it is, is to play Saga in GW's old world or at least utilising the broad brushstrokes of the different races and maybe create my own world. Fantasy armies will take the place of the historical ones utilising the various battle boards to give flavour. I could have used Age of Magic but I feel that in many ways the Battle Boards act as "Magic". Plus, given the size of your typical SAGA warband, this will hopefully inspire me to collect different races. But to start... a starting point. Age of Vikings, which I have decided will be represented in my world by Beastmen.

This Project is Active

Day 1, Part 2... Clipping and Clean up

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 6
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I ordered these off eBay months ago when I first had this idea so I have the Beastlord, who will be my warlord, and shaman who I may use as a mercenary Priest – the ability to change the face of a dice seems quite magical so should fit. I ordered these off eBay months ago when I first had this idea so I have the Beastlord, who will be my warlord, and shaman who I may use as a mercenary Priest – the ability to change the face of a dice seems quite magical so should fit.

Day 1, Part 1... Again

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 6
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So due to some urgent renovations caused by non-urgent renovations and the fact that my house is older than some European countries I’ve not had anywhere to hobby.  I didn't know how badly that had affected me until I could actually do some proper hobby for the first time since early May. I could actually feel myself relaxing and my head moving into a really positive place. So, I had a plan for my first SAGA warband. Vikings! Or as I am calling them Beastmen Raiders. Last year I had an idea of a Beastmen Skirmish force, plus I have always loved the GW Beastmen aesthetic aside from a couple of exceptions (looking at you Minotaurs) so I went on eBay and grabbed the Beastlord and the Shaman. So due to some urgent renovations caused by non-urgent renovations and the fact that my house is older than some European countries I’ve not had anywhere to hobby. I didn't know how badly that had affected me until I could actually do some proper hobby for the first time since early May. I could actually feel myself relaxing and my head moving into a really positive place. So, I had a plan for my first SAGA warband. Vikings! Or as I am calling them Beastmen Raiders. Last year I had an idea of a Beastmen Skirmish force, plus I have always loved the GW Beastmen aesthetic aside from a couple of exceptions (looking at you Minotaurs) so I went on eBay and grabbed the Beastlord and the Shaman.

An aside...

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 5
No Comments

Part of this is to give me motivation. Set some time aside each day (aiming for an hour) and then do my project entry. Managed two hours and then did the project entry. Was quite chuffed with myself.

Till I realised it didn’t upload for some reason. The first hobby hurdle! Well I have the pictures and will upload from my other computer. Obviously out of office hours. Obviously.

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