Big Burly Ogryn Charonite Stomp Their Way Out Of Forge World

March 6, 2015 by brennon

Forge World continue their releases to the general public Post-Horus Heresy Weekender with the Ogryn Charonite Squad for the Solar Auxilia. These guys are big, mean, tough, and maybe even a bit stupid looking?

Charonites (Front)

I don't overly mind the sculpts as a whole but I think the one with the mask up just looks terrible. I also feel like they appear far too comical when they should be serious, especially considering the Horus Heresy theme...

"With the Ogryns' hands and forearms replaced by a brutal collection of mechanisms known as Charonite claws, which amplify their already fearsome strength, Ogryn Charonite squads can rip through armour plating with ease, devastating their foes in the brutal confines of boarding actions. It is little wonder then that as the wars of the Horus Heresy became ever more ferocious, Loyalist Solar Auxilia commanders increasingly turned to the creation of Charonites, particularly when facing Traitor Legiones Astartes and the forces of the Dark Mechanicum."

Charonite (Rear)

Once again I like the sound of what they do but the execution in model form just isn't there for me. The ones with the helmets closed aren't overly bad but I just think this time around they've missed the mark in my opinion.

Charonite (Scale)

Above you can get a sense of the scale of these Ogryn and you can see why they were used in greater numbers as the Horus Heresy grew in ferocity. I'm sure a lot of you out there have different opinions on these Ogryn and would gladly pick them up so let me know what you think of their look.

These Charonite are on pre-order right now and will be available to buy from March 13th.

Let me know!

"...the Ogryns’ hands and forearms replaced by a brutal collection of mechanisms known as Charonite claws, which amplify their already fearsome strength"

" can see why they were used in greater numbers as the Horus Heresy grew in ferocity"

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