Syndrome, Frozone & Lostso; Playable Characters In Villainous

December 13, 2021 by fcostin

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For those who enjoy their a little on the colourful side, or prefer your villains with a little bit of a green tinge - a new expansion for the Disney Villainous range is underway, releasing March 2022 there are three new sinister offenders stepping up for their criminal duties.

Villanous - Image One

Bigger and Badder Expansion // Disney's Villainous

Ravensburger is releasing the Bigger & Badder expansion for Villainous with some Pixar mix-ups and an old classic being resurrected. First to enter the arena is Toy Story 3 cuddly fraudster, Lotso aka Lots-o’-Huggin’-Bear. The second to ready themselves is the Mr Incredible Reject - Syndrome, and finally the arch-nemesis of Merlin himself, Madam Mim.

Not much has been released about the individual abilities of each villain, or have we been able to feast our eyes on the contents of the box. But according to the information released from Ravensburger regarding Syndrome - players will be able to battle it out against the Incredibles themselves and of course Frozone (if he manages to find his super suit by March 2022), and use technology as his weapon.

If you have never played Villainous before, players will get a chance to step into the shoes of the villains for a change.

You never know - you might see and understand their intentions!

"Stepping into the arena is Lot-so from Toy Story 3, Syndrome from Incredibles and Madam Mim from Sword in the Stone..."

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