Hobby Night Live: Our Personal Projects [Catch Up Now!]
June 30, 2017 by crew
If you weren't able to join us for Hobby Night Live we were down with the entire BoW Crew to talk about what we're painting and sharing some of our tips and techniques with you.
Get Involved
You were able to watch the Livestream via different mediums, so pick your favourite…
…and if you wanted to chat around the hobby this weekend you can use Twitter with the hashtag.
And make sure to check out the Community Projects thread which contains loads of people’s work from the weekend.
Hobby Night Live Community Thread
Additionally, uploading into that forum topic with pictures of what you’re working on might get you up on screen! We pulled images of your work from that thread and showed it off at intervals during the night. We will continue to cover this thread over the next week or so too.
Keep Sharing Your Work To Win A Hobby God Bag!
The project that really caught our eye will win the coveted and unavailable to buy Hobby God Bag!
Come and join us!
looking forward to this one 🙂
Can’t wait!
(for those of us using photobucket they’ve pulled 3rd party hosting from the free accounts so you probably need to arrange an alternative if you want to show off any images of stuff tonight, sigh)
At last, a hobby night live that doesn’t happen when i’m on a late night shift! Got a load of Test of Honour to assemble today!
Bah. I’ve been forced out to drink beer with my mates this evening 🙁
Ughh … I’ll be at work today until 6:00 AM GMT (yes, that’s 1:00 AM my time). Are you sure you can’t extend Hobby Night to accommodate my work hours?
Just kidding, of course. Just take solace in the fact that the BoW team won’t be only guys working late tonight. 😀
Looking forward to the stream! I’ll see if I can log in from work and join in the conversation.
gonna have to get up at 5am for this – the joys of timezones 😉 see you then guys – well excited 😀
Well, I would post pictures of my work in progress, but photobucket just decided to piss all over my parade lol gona have to set up am imgur account me thinks.
Working tonight 🙁 I’ll have to pretend your live when I catchup tomorrow
Awesome, the wife is out now to get the kids in bed quickly
Finally get to see one live! 🙂
Love the countdown timer. Really pumped for this one to see everyone working on their own personal hobby stuff is what I envisioned when this show was announced!
Can’t wait to get home and get started!
If you want a nice slightly off white then Vajello Deck Tan works well
Just in time for my unpacking post move weekend
seeing if this still posts pics before I abandon photobucket,
some metallic pens two types, sharpies are duller and pilot super colours are more like paint and much shinier
bah I forgot no posting here
Can anybody link that 40k 3 way battle Warren spoke about?
Got time to paint bloodbowl and listen in – excellent work all its good to see the hobby side getting some love.
Build myself a astra militarum punisher tank with a bit of a feudal touch. For the emperor
Excellent stream tonight guys – I’m really liking this as a format 🙂
Hey, great live stream. I enjoyed catching you all live. It was really cool. I am inspired to get my hobby mojo going strong for the next time. When is the next Live Stream event?
Great stream, guys. You’re getting the hang of this! 😀
Managed to watch the last 40 minutes or so live will have to watch the rest later
I believe the new camera should be called the “eye of the beast” or maybe Oculus 1 and Oculus 2.
I am wondering a if a future purchase should be a boom mic that you hang above everyone.