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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 01/03 – Back to the 80s

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 01/03 – Back to the 80s Reply To: Hobby Weekender 01/03 – Back to the 80s


Cult of Games Member

No pledges from me this week, too much planned.

(1) How do you deal with a cold or flu?

Sleep, eat chicken soup, sleep even more. Repeat until feeling better.

(2) Can you hobby when you feel run over?

Nope. Brain is clogged and I don’t want to ruin anything. Also: sleep a lot

(3) Your opinion on the entertainment industry of the 1980s is…?

“Bringer of wonderful memories” my younger self would say. “Greedy money grabs” my adult self today says

(4) Name a tv show you liked when you were younger or a child

Just one? Hmmm… I’ll go for “that one show” on sky channel. Was on Sunday morning but I can’t remember the name. Was later followed by the “The DJ Kat Show”. Those had all the ‘toons in it!

(5) What toys or tv shows influenced you, directly or not, a little or a lot into this broad hobby?

I don’t think any of them did. I found out about tabletop wargaming waaaaay later.

Now, more work! Read you later.

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