Andy Chambers Joins Warlord’s Konflikt ’47 Design Team

May 27, 2024 by brennon

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Warlord Games has announced that Andy Chambers, legendary game designer, is joining the Konflikt '47 design team. This 28mm Weird World War wargame's universe, rules and more are evolving.

Konflikt 47 - Warlord Games

Konflikt '47 // Warlord Games

Andy Chambers has worked on some big projects in the past including Necromunda and Battlefleet Gothic. He has also developed games for Warlord including Blood Red Skies and Judge Dredd. He is now bringing his expertise to Konflikt '47 as Warlord looks to give the game a new lease on life.

Nachtjager - Konflikt 47

Nachtjager // Konflikt '47

Andy Chambers, heading up the writing and development team, said...

"I am absolutely thrilled to be returning to a Weird World War II setting once more, it’s always been such a great inspiration for me and I’m looking forward to pushing forward the Konflikt '47 universe, particularly ramping up the 'weird' factor! I have many, many plans for the Konflikt '47 universe, and I'm in the process of pulling together a fantastic team to help me - I hope to be able to reveal them to you over the coming months! Many thanks to Warlord for the opportunity, and to the members of the Konflikt '47 community I’ve already spoken to for your insights - big plans are afoot, and I'm certain you'll like them"

We have recently been talking about Konflikt '47 more here at OnTableTop, especially because it's easy to take a Bolt Action force from the World War II wargame and upgrade it to slot into the Weird World War setting of Konflikt '47. All you need are some technologically advanced tanks and a few weird experiments and you're good to go.

Tesla Sherman - Konflikt 47

Tesla Sherman // Konflikt '47

More news and updates will be coming out regarding Konflikt '47 later this year so watch this space. Do you have a Konflikt '47 army sitting around that might see itself returning to the field of battle?

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"He is now bringing his expertise to Konflikt '47..."

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