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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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121 MTG: Expansions of Death Catch-Up

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 68, Luxury: 7, Modular: 46, Bits Box: 3, Terrain sets: 13, To Ship: ATO Wave 2, KDM COD
Models Finished in Collection: 2898 Models since start of project: 584 out of 63 completed and still not done!


I’ve been distracted by Diablo 4 for a while, but I’ve had the last week off work and got some painting done.  The Gamblers Chest for Kingdom Death also arrived, boosting my collection by another 63 models.


The Dragon King below had his flesh painted with the exact same paints as the flesh on the Dragon Tyrant, just in different ratios.  The one exception was the deepest of deep shades/pin washes was performed with GW Coelia Greenshade.  The glowing chest cavity was painted before assembly using the paints below and a mix of airbrushing and hairy brushing.

The Sunstalker was painted following the Privateer Press Forces of Minions guide for Gatormen flesh tones, with some of the base colours swapped out as I’m running low on p3 paints and they’re becoming harder to get in the UK.  I don’t have the full instructions to hand, but I’m documenting my colour choices here now so I can replicate them later with related models.

Belly base: VMC 70.884 Stone Grey mixed with VMC  70.928 Light Flesh and just a touch of P3 Mouldy ochre

Green Flesh base: VMC 70.894 Cam. Olive Green

Tentacles base: GSW 1827 Blushing Flesh mixed with some P3 Sanguine base
Tentacles wash: Sanguine base mixed with p3 Battlefield Brown
Highlight: Blushing Flesh, then blushing Flesh mixed with GSW 1845 Elven Flesh, then perhaps pure Elven Flesh
The Ovipositor was given 2-3 coats of VGC Red Ink over the above

The Flower Knight was mostly painted with Vallejo Shifter Dark Geeen Tin, which on the label and in previous test runs is just a metallic green.  However, when this model goes in to shade he goes a bit mauve, which was not expected or planned for.  The metallic green is much more vibrant than these pics show, too.

Why does he come with a model for a violin that’s almost as big as a survivor?

Trouser Grey-Green Cloth: 
Base: VMC 70.990 Light Grey
Highlight: Add progressively more and more VMC 70.330 Highl. Russian Tank and paint smaller highlights
Shade: VMC 70.867 Dark Grey

Green Cloak: 
Base: VGC 72.147 Heavy BlackGreen mixed with P3 Iosan Green
Shade: Heavy Black Green
Deep Shade: Vallejo Wash 76.519 Olive Green
Highlight: Iosan Green
Highlight: P3 Wyrn Green

Base: P3 Gnarls Green
Selectively drybrush with P3 Rucksack tan and P3 Mouldy Ochre
Wash with Army painter Green Tone
Highlight P3 Bog Moss
Highlight P3 WyrM Green

Dung Beetle Knight and Ball

Base: VMC 70.873 US Field Drab
Highlight: Mix in progressively more VMC Panzer Aces 340 Highl Afrika Corps and airbrish from steeper angles
Drybrush: P3 Menoth White Base
Undercoat eyes with white
Paint eyes and glow with Yellow Ink

Beetle Armour: 
Undercoat: Gloss Black
Base: Vallejo Eccentric Colours 77.010 Emerald Green Mauve Shifter, but only one or two thin coats sprayed gently from 1m+ away.  you do not want to build this up.  Let the black show through, and ideally dominate.  You want a black sparkly carapace, not a metallic carapace.

The wings were base coated with a beige and then I tried wet blending some thinned sepia inks in to that to get the tones of a real dung beetles wings.  I didn’t do it well, but it has potential.

Spicicules and the Spiderlings.  Lovely, interesting model to look at.  Pain in the ass to work with.  You try painting him and see if you can do anything without 2 fragile limbs being in the way of whatever you’re doing.  Subassemblies weren’t really an option either as bits of his torso are on the ends of some limbs and I wanted to be sure they matched the shading and highlights of the rest of the body.  As such, this guy was almost all airbrush work and I accepted a basic job on him.

He was zenithally pre-shades as standard, but then I restored the black undersides with black paint.  I want this guy dark and I know Inks are coming up.  I next drybrushed with some pale blue and beige drybrush paints I had to hand.  No idea if the colours made a difference, but it restored a few highlights to some peaks.  Next I put thinned Liquitex Violet Ink through the airbrush and applied it over most of the model.  I needed to thin it further, but I’m still learning.  I then added a little Vallejo Purple Ink to it and added darker, richer purple areas.  Finally, P3 Turquoise Ink was applied to all the joints, the palms,  and any repeating areas that still looked like they may have primer showing through.  I tried to brush highlight the face a little but it looked horrible and the limbs were in the way so I applied more of the Violet over it again, which looked good.

The eyes were painted GW Khorne Red, washed with GW Nuln Oil, and then highlighted with P3 Khador Red and finally given a small dot of white.

The Teeth were based with P3 Thrall Flesh, washed with GW Athonian Camoshade, drybrushed with Thrall Flesh, and then with p3 Menoth White Base

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