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American Civil War - The Regiment from country roads West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River

American Civil War - The Regiment from country roads West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River

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Batlle of Kernstown - Practice Game

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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As you can probably tell I have little affinity for photography but it is hard to resist snapping such an epic looking scene. The above photos show the area of intense fighting on the outskirts of Kernstown. With Union infantry and Artillery on the hill being held in place by one brigade of Confederates and being outflanked by another. Out of shot a Union Brigade was being prevented from reinforcing by a small force of confederates and some bad dice roles from the Union commanders.

This was a practice game of the battle of Kernstown; with the aim of seeing what exactly we need to run the proper battle, mostly this will be more roads.

The rules and scenario used are from Blackpowder 2nd Ed by Warlord Games, using the secial rules from their Glory Hallelujah supplement,

The battle was a technical draw, the Union were harshly handled by the Confederates, with one Brigade routed after being driven from their defensive position on the hill . Despite this victory was not assured and a second fresh Brigade was bearing down on the town and a 3rd due to arrvive on the board .

A few shots from the confederates reforming outside the town drove of the Unions cavalry element and the Confederates were preparing to recieve the fresh infantry.

The battle ended prematurely as time was up and objectives had not been achieved by either side and it was anyones game.

It was a fun game and the scenario made it more interesting than our usualy line up and advance battles thus far. We now know what we need to complete the battlefield and make a few adjustments to the battlefield i.e. Kernstown was too far to the left-hand side of the board

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