Hey guys as you might have guessed Darrell and I are back from the 40k Doubles Weekend and I have finally got 5 mins to let you know how it went.

Both Darrell's team and my team did rather well at the tournament, with Darrell his team mate David winning 4 out of 5 matches and myself and my team mate Khrystan winning 3 out of 5.
I personally had a great time gaming at Warhammer World. Unfortunately we weren't gaming on any of the cool, dramatic gaming tables they sometimes have set up, but this was offset by having Bugman's Bar so close and getting to return to the miniatures hall, which is still not a good place to be Attention Deficit.

The one complaint I would have is that the we had been specifically told that we weren't allowed to use anything none-GW and that everything had to be what-you-see-is-what-you-get. This had led to much panic on our part as we attempted to make sure that all of our minis were up to standard. When we get there it turns out there were quite a few of (admittedly awesome) converted armies which were allowed anyway.
All in all we had a good weekend's gaming and I for one definitely wouldn't mind heading over again, though next time I will try and get the Death Watch army I am currently working on ready for it.

Here are the lists which the three teams of us who went from Northern Ireland brought with us, feel free to tell us what you think. Unfortunately I was unable to get David's Blood Angel list so maybe you should try and come up with what you might use in conjunction with Darrell's Wolves.
Darrell's Space Wolves:
Total Roster Cost: 750
HQ: Wolf Priest in Power Armour (1#, 110 pts)
1 Wolf Priest in Power Armour, 110 pts = (base cost 100) + Saga of the Hunter 10
Elite: Wolf Guard Pack (11#, 280 pts)
1 Wolf Guard Pack, 0 pts
9 Wolf Guard in Power Armour, 207 pts = 9 * 23 (base cost 18 + Combi-Plasmagun x1 5)
1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour, 38 pts = (base cost 18 + Power Weapon x2 20)
1 Drop Pod, 35 pts
Troops: Blood Claws Pack (15#, 240 pts)
15 Blood Claws Pack, 240 pts = 15 * 15 (base cost 15) + Power Weapon 15
Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (1#, 60 pts)
1 Land Speeder Squadron, 60 pts = (base cost 50) + Heavy Flamer x1 10
Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (1#, 60 pts)
1 Land Speeder Squadron, 60 pts = (base cost 50) + Heavy Flamer x1 10
Sam's Space Wolves and Khrystan's Salamanders
Space Wolves:
Total Roster Cost: 750
HQ: Rune Priest in Power Armour (1#, 150 pts)
1 Rune Priest in Power Armour, 150 pts = (base cost 100 + Melta Bombs 5) + Chooser of the Slain
10 + Space Marine Bike 35
Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (1#, 70 pts)
1 Land Speeder Squadron, 70 pts = (base cost 50) + Multi-melta x1 20
Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (1#, 70 pts)
1 Land Speeder Squadron, 70 pts = (base cost 50) + Multi-melta x1 20
Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (10#, 200 pts)
9 Grey Hunters Pack, 185 pts = 9 * 15 (base cost 15) + Mark of the Wulfen 30 + Wolf Standard 10 +
Plasma gun 10 + Power Weapon 15
1 Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen, 15 pts
Heavy Support: Predator (1#, 90 pts)
1 Predator, 90 pts = (base cost 60 + Dozer Blade 5 + Heavy Bolter (each side) 25)
Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 170 pts)
5 Long Fangs Pack, 155 pts = 5 * 15 (base cost 15) + Lascannon x2 50 + Missile Launcher x3 30
1 Squad Leader, 15 pts
Total Roster Cost: 750
Elite: Terminator Assault Squad (10#, 400 pts)
9 Terminator Assault Squad, 360 pts = 9 * 40
1 Sergeant, 40 pts
Troops: Scout Squad (5#, 85 pts)
4 Scout Squad, 75 pts = 4 * 13 (base cost 13) + Heavy Bolter w/Hellfire Shells 10 + Sergeant 23
1 Sergeant, 10 pts
Troops: Scout Squad (5#, 85 pts)
4 Scout Squad, 75 pts = 4 * 13 (base cost 13) + Missile Launcher 10 + Sergeant 23
1 Sergeant, 10 pts
Fast Attack: Attack Bike Squad (1#, 50 pts)
1 Attack Bike Squad, 50 pts = (base cost 40) + Multi-melta x1 10
HQ: Space Marine Librarian in Terminator Armour (1#, 130 pts)
1 Space Marine Librarian in Terminator Armour, 130 pts = (base cost 125 + Storm Bolter 5)
Darragh and Bob's Dark Angels and Imperial Guard
Dark Angels:
Total Roster Cost: 750
HQ: Belial, Master of the Deathwing (1#, 130 pts)
1 Belial, Master of the Deathwing, 130 pts
Heavy Support: Vindicator (1#, 125 pts)
1 Vindicator, 125 pts
Troops: Upgraded Deathwing Terminator Squad (5#, 275 pts)
4 Upgraded Deathwing Terminator Squad, 232 pts = 4 * 43 (base cost 43) + Chain Fist x1 5 +
Apothecary 30 + Standard Bearer 25
1 Sergeant, 43 pts
Troops: Deathwing Terminator Squad (5#, 220 pts)
4 Deathwing Terminator Squad, 177 pts = 4 * 43 (base cost 43) + Chain Fist x1 5
1 Sergeant, 43 pts
Imperial Guard:
Total Roster Cost: 750
HQ: Company Command Squad (7#, 140 pts)
2 Company Command Squad, 34 pts = 2 * 6 (base cost 6) + Regimental Standard 15 + Sniper Rifle
x1 5 + w/Autocannon 22
1 Veteran Heavy Weapon Team, 20 pts = (base cost 10 + Autocannon 10)
1 Company Commander, 26 pts
1 Astropath, 30 pts
1 Master of Ordnance, 30 pts
Troops: Infantry Platoon (25#, 160 pts)
1 Infantry Platoon, 0 pts
2 Platoon Command Squad, 14 pts = 2 * 6 (base cost 6) + w/Autocannon 22
1 Heavy Weapons Team, 20 pts = (base cost 10 + Autocannon 10)
1 Platoon Commander, 6 pts
7 Infantry Squad, 35 pts = 7 * 5
1 Heavy Weapons Team, 20 pts = (base cost 10 + Autocannon 10)
1 Sergeant, 5 pts
7 Infantry Squad, 35 pts = 7 * 5
1 Heavy Weapons Team, 20 pts = (base cost 10 + Autocannon 10)
1 Sergeant, 5 pts
Troops: Infantry Platoon (25#, 160 pts)
1 Infantry Platoon, 0 pts
2 Platoon Command Squad, 14 pts = 2 * 6 (base cost 6) + w/Autocannon 22
1 Heavy Weapons Team, 20 pts = (base cost 10 + Autocannon 10)
1 Platoon Commander, 6 pts
7 Infantry Squad, 35 pts = 7 * 5
1 Heavy Weapons Team, 20 pts = (base cost 10 + Autocannon 10)
1 Sergeant, 5 pts
7 Infantry Squad, 35 pts = 7 * 5
1 Heavy Weapons Team, 20 pts = (base cost 10 + Autocannon 10)
1 Sergeant, 5 pts
Heavy Support: Leman Russ Squadron (1#, 150 pts)
1 Leman Russ Squadron, 0 pts
1 Leman Russ Battle Tank, 150 pts
Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (1#, 140 pts)
1 Vendetta Gunship Squadron, 0 pts
1 Vendetta, 140 pts = (base cost 130) + Heavy Bolter Sponsons x2 10
How many have you had Sam the menus upside down and is that Darrells enjoying a light breakfast ale ?
Hi Sam, David’s list was: Mephiston – 250 Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack and Melta-bomb – 80 Scout Squad with Camo-cloaks and a Missile Launcher – 100 Assault Squad, 2 Meltaguns and Sergeant with a Powerfist – 235 Aegis Defence Line with Icarus Lascannon – 85 It was a good force (obviously as they went 4-1) – we just managed to deny them the win thanks to their bad-luck with Mephiston and the fact the Blood Claws didn’t turn up till turn 4! Sounds like you had a good event too, I hear what you’re saying about the converted armies.… Read more »
I think the ruling is more to people using another companies models instead of Games-workshop ones.
I’ve seen loads of converted armies there so its not really a problem, I’ve never known them to send people home lol
Good job guys, glad you had fun, hope to see there sometime at another event 🙂
It’s interesting to see that space marines would have to be Sam-sized in order to fit at 10 in a rhino …
How does Darrel have a Wolf Guard with 2 power weapons?