A New Dreadnought Character Leads The Way At Forge World

October 26, 2017 by dracs

A new Forge World character has been previewed at Warhammer Community; the latest incarnation of the Red Scorpion Chapter Master, interred within a Leviathan Dreadnought.

Carab Culln

Carab Culln of the Red Scorpions has evolved quite considerably over the course of the 41st Millennium.

This new version may well be the peak of his character arch, as he has ended his time as a mortal being and been afforded the honour reserved only for the greatest of Space Marines.

This Leviathan Dreadnought has a fantastic design, providing us with a good update to the old, blocky style of the classic Dreadnought.

It definitely looks like a fitting "resting" place for the Chapter Master.


Hopefully, he should be getting released soon, but in the meantime, his last version is still available from Forge World.

What do you think of this next step in the character's story?

"Culln has ended his time as a mortal being and been afforded the honour reserved only for the greatest of Space Marines..."

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