Gallowfall! Squats Vs Beastmen In New 40K Kill Team Boxed Set!

March 23, 2023 by brennon

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Whilst the big battles of Warhammer 40,000 are being fought out by the Imperium, deep within the Gallowdark we're seeing a smaller conflict play out. The Leagues Of Votann are going to be clashing with Fellgore Ravagers in Games Workshop's Kill Team.

Gallowfall - Warhammer 40K Kill Team

Gallowfall // Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

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The new Kill Team boxed set is called Gallowfall and as you might have guessed by the name, charts the destruction of this impressive hulk in the depths of space. The Leagues Of Votann are looking to get out with as much loot as they can whilst being pursued by ravening Beastmen under the thrall of Chaos.

The Leagues Of Votann have got themselves a new set of Hearthkyn Savalgers who are going to be fighting their way through the heart of the Gallowdark.

Hearthkyn Salvagers #1 - Warhammer 40K Kill Team

Hearthkyn Salvagers // Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

This set of miniatures is based on the core Hearthkyn plastic kit that is used for Warhammer 40,000. Like other factions in previous Kill Team boxes, this one comes with an upgrade sprue that allows you to make a series of specialists that can be dropped into your games.

Hearthkyn Salvagers #2 - Warhammer 40K Kill Team

Hearthkyn Salvagers // Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

You get an impressive gatling gun for want of a better word alongside a jump-pack Squat who is no doubt going to end up hitting his head on a bulkhead or two. There are also plenty of accessories for personalising your Leagues Of Votann miniatures including a data-scrubbing Ironkin and a fellow with a lot of grenades to play with.

The Leagues Of Votann are going to be clashing with the Fellgor Ravagers, a band of wild warriors that wouldn't look out of place on the battlefields of the Mortal Realms.

Fellgor Ravagers #1 - Warhammer 40K Kill Team

Fellgor Ravagers // Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

We've seen a mercenary Beastman included in the grimdark future as part of Necromunda over previous years but this is the first time we're getting the Fellgors as a "proper" faction within Warhammer 40,000. One of the strengths of Kill Team is that it allows the design team to have some fun with corners of the grimdark that we don't normally explore.

This is, if you hadn't guessed, a completely new plastic kit and is no doubt going to be a lot of fun to play around with.

Fellgor Ravagers #2 - Warhammer 40K Kill Team

Fellgor Ravagers // Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

These Fellgor seem focused on close combat but with a little bit of Warp energy backing them up for good measure. They should be a fun foil to use against the ranged elements within the Leagues Of Votann Kill Team.

The same style of terrain appears once more in Gallowfall but you also get some themed pieces that match up with the story being told. In this case, it's escape plans! Get to those escape pods, or "coward pods" as they dubbed them on the livestream, and get out of the Gallowdark with your loot!

Gallowfall Terrain - Warhammer 40K Kill Team

Gallowfall Terrain // Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Some nice incidental terrain pieces that would be good to see thrown into more games of Warhammer 40,000 as objectives in addition to being useful in Kill Team. With this being the climax of Into The Dark, it will be interesting to see where Kill Team goes next later in the year.

I suspect Tyranids. I don't know why...

"The Leagues Of Votann are going to be clashing with the Fellgor Ravagers..."

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