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4th War Equipment Premieres Their First Game


4th War Equipment returns to Kickstarter and this time it is for the a game. They are creating a tile laying strategy game designed for all ages.

4thWar Kickstarter Adds Mascot Marine To Stretch Goals!


4thWar Equipment Corp have got their miniature sorted as an exclusive add-on for your pledge during this Kickstarter campaign. Will you pick this one up?

4thWar Lay Down Some Rubber Roads For Their Kickstarter


What do you make of these new Rubber Roads that 4thWar have added to their Kickstarter that is still going very well at the moment with the more modest goal!

4thWar Equipment Table Kickstarter Relaunches!


A whole host of tables and terrain is coming back to Kickstarter with the 4thWar Equipment Corp fundraiser returning in force.

4thWar Find Warehouse to Reduce USA Shipping Costs!


The 4thWar gaming tables are a great concept and have been getting a lot of support over on their Kickstarter. However, one problem has been that shipping to the US has added a huge P+P cost to the price. While despair no more our American friends, as 4thWar have managed to get in touch with some US warehouses!

Cardboard Gaming Table Costs and Science and S**t Yo!

11 years ago 36

We reached out to the guys at 4th War to try and learn more about the technical and financial details of the product, and see if we can uncover what makes a ‘cardboard product tick’!

The 4th War Equipment Corp Table Kickstarter Gets Going!


See what you think of the 4th War Equipment Corp Kickstarter now it's jumped out of the starting blocks and the fundraising has begun.

4th War Equipment Corp Gaming Table in the Studio!


You may have seen the epic 4th War Equipment Corp gaming table in the news recently. Well we got a little surprise this week when we went out to film the Weekender in the form of this awesome flat pack set.

4th War Equipment Corp Preview Their Portable Gaming Table!


It will be interesting to see if this portable table from 4th War Equipment Corp takes off! See what you think of the preview images inside before the product goes to Kickstarter soon.

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