DreadBall Xtreme Now Up For Pre-Order – Start Smashin’ Stuff!
January 24, 2015 by brennon
Mantic Games have now added DreadBall Xtreme onto their pre-order list so you can start smashing your opponents faces in and bet to your hearts content!
Xtreme is a damn fine looking game and it seems like it's going to be a lot of fun. More fouls, more crazy plays, more betting and new teams duking it out on pitches covered in terrain as well. Check out what it's looking like...
Are you going to pick up this new box and play as either the Asterians or the Convicts? It will be interesting to see how these teams work in conjunction with the other big name teams who play in those fancy shiny stadiums!
What do you think?
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"Are you going to pick up this new box and play as the Asterians or the Convicts?"
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Got it from the Kickstarter – But have yet to get a game in the rules do put a new twist on the game
A couple of mates in my Ordinary Dreadball league have had a bash and they love it.
I hope to find time soon – The advantage being that I might have time to paint them as well
That looks really nice and EXTREME!