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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 14/09/18 – … but sometimes it is a little early!

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 14/09/18 – … but sometimes it is a little early! Reply To: Hobby Weekender 14/09/18 – … but sometimes it is a little early!



@mage 7th: the original creator of the rpg bought back the rights for it a few years ago and kickstarted the newest rdition of the game with huge success. The game and some supplements are out and at least in my opinion the game is a lot of fun.


With Legend of the Five Rings, FFG released their own version of the card game as one of their LCGs. It,s different than the original version but a lot of fun too. And organized play events and the player base are still able to effect tvd story, just mot as strong or drastic as in the past any more. Regarding the RPG, an introductory behinners box set came out recently with an adventure and some of the rules and premade characters. I’m still reading my copy of it, but what i’ve seen so far i like a lot. The full core book should come out a bit later this year.

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