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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 11/01/… So if I carry the 1… That must make it 2019….

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 11/01/… So if I carry the 1… That must make it 2019…. Reply To: Hobby Weekender 11/01/… So if I carry the 1… That must make it 2019….


1. I see the insane logic of marshmallow hedgehogs but not quite the reason behind alternating between large and small ones…. Realistically I’ve gone in for the 2019 mini painting task list that @lawnor put together to actually get things done. Aside from that I’m thinking that getting into bust painting that I’ve got a few pieces the likes of which are demonstrated by @yogiebear . Beyond that I’ll say not too much as I might have to move again this summer.

2. Favorite hobby beverages … cold (sort of) a good stout/porter/IPA while for hot I can’t go wrong with a mug of Earl Grey or pu erh (agreed @a27cromwell tea looks too much like water after a couple washes and has ended up ruined by a stupid mistake)

3. I am looking forward to the release of the second chapter of the remake of IT in September. I also need to look at all the Kickstarters that I have that are due to be arriving this year. Among them are the games that I look forward to are Brutality, War for Chicken Island and Legends of Signum (only for the minis). There are videogames, comics and some books to be delivered but I think the regular media stuff is what we’re after. Mini-wise I’m still awaiting the single figures for Kingdom Death 1.5 and seeing they weren’t joking when announcing that delivery was for 2020 back in 2016. I also will be looking forward to every month as I subscribe to the L5R Minicrate on top of the one for WarmaHordes so I need to paint quickly or trade/gift stuff.

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