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Reply To: Hobby weekender 09/02/2019 – Right Place, Right Year…

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby weekender 09/02/2019 – Right Place, Right Year… Reply To: Hobby weekender 09/02/2019 – Right Place, Right Year…





Please do not hahahahaha


Tiefling wizard type and half elf bard. I may do a head swap since I play a Tiefling bard and there is no such model.


Thanks for the compliment about them being recognisable J


Tis a rough gig I’ve been doing since 2007 ish.


Some stuff got removed gradually since it launched. Some last week like the old school orc infantry and chariot along with the newer boarboys, gone. Aside from stuff being removed, I like what they have created and added and done overall.


Re the minis and advancing, if you like the mini paint how you are happy. Some of the Warmachine models are starting to look overdesigned and I just take shortcuts so I have them on the table to where I am happy with. Ill never be a Golden Daemon winner and I don’t want to: who in their right mind would spend 300 hours on one model when its so well done they can’t even play with it for fear of something happening.


I will post a pic of Kili later.


The barbican looks good




Legends of Andor eh? Lets see. Looks interesting. Minis?

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