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Reply To: The IX Age – Why/Why Not and so on

Home Forums Fantasy Tabletop Game Discussions The IX Age – Why/Why Not and so on Reply To: The IX Age – Why/Why Not and so on




T9A has been going for 4 years this august. Every so often someone tells our community our game is dead, or that its failed, or that its wrongfun. And we’ve mostly learned to politely smile and nod.

I have to say that for the most part i have not run into any negativity about AoS. Of anything I get hounded in GW forums/boards for being a T9A player. Most T9A people just didnt want to play AoS – like I said in the first post really.

Put frankly, i came here to find out why people play the game or dont. Not to slag one system over the other, but to see what others outside my bubble thought.

Most of your post just feels like its here to bash the game, and not contribute constructively to the conversation – mostly because i dont think you’ve read the rules, the fluff, etc..

I mean, you want a non-profit volunteer project to buy game rights to established IP and then rewrite everything from the ground up to match that IP…

t9a doesnt want to be the next big thing. It just wants to be a fun thing. A fun game for people who want to play and help build it. There is no financial incentive here. No costs to recoup, no money to be made.

Anyway, as I asled before, has anyone tried it within the last year? If so what were your thoughts?


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