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I used to run a blog for the local Hackspace – more electronics, motors, robots that kind of thing – but it kind of fizzled out last year after about five years. I kind of miss it. But I’ve a few things in the pipeline which means I can’t publish articles every few days (I averaged about 12 articles a month).
I’d love to do something similar though; I just went from 3d printing virgin to building my own £100 kit off fleabay and am printing stuff to a quality pretty close to a £2k Ultimaker. Some lets-learn-together tech stuff would be cool (and, of course, I’d love to blather on about stuffing tiny little LEDs and motors into terrain).
If that’s a bit too tech-y, I’ve been giving myself just an hour a night lately to paint my he-man minis; I’ve got more done on miniatures in the last few weeks than I’ve done in twenty years 😉