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Reply To: There is no place for (armoured) vehicles and fliers in a 28mm skirmish game?

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion There is no place for (armoured) vehicles and fliers in a 28mm skirmish game? Reply To: There is no place for (armoured) vehicles and fliers in a 28mm skirmish game?


Cult of Games Member

Refight. Replay. Reenact. Whatever, they’re all variations on a theme.  They’re still not differentiated from fictional games by the term “wargame”. A wargame is literally just a game about war

@jamescutts There’s definitely space for armoured vehicles in 28mm games. It’s more a question of how many than a binary yes or no and I don’t think “necessity” is a factor either – it’s a game so there isn’t really a necessity for anything beyond that which you want to use.  Aircraft are more problematic, especially in historical games in WWII where things like helicopters are not really an option.  But I don’t see any reason why, in a 28mm game, you couldn’t have some kind of airborne attack vehicle (equivalent of an apache).  The setting will generally define what is possible in that regard

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