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Reply To: HEROQUEST – Hasbro / Ludofilia GameZone

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion HEROQUEST – Hasbro / Ludofilia GameZone Reply To: HEROQUEST – Hasbro / Ludofilia GameZone



So here is the legal position of Gamezone going into these negotiations:

1- Broke. I feel that it is beyond clear that didn’t have the money to deliver their game.

2- No legal ground against Hasbro. Since Hasbro used the Hero Quest name before the Gamezone trademark, they can continue to do so with no legal avenues for Gamezone to stop them, despite the trademark.

3- Intent to create brand confusion. If this went to court, it is extremely clear that Gamezone would lose. While Gamezone can use the trademark that they registered, calling it a 25th anniversary edition of the classic “Hero Quest” game is intentionally implying a connection between their game and the one Hasbro created. That’s not legal.

– So the only thing Gamezone has is a trademark that they take as a license to create brand confusion. Which is an odd one, because since their game was in production hell, there really wasn’t any fear that they’d get it to market to compete with Hasbro’s game.

They make it sound like they scored big with Hasbro- that maybe Hasbro has given them enough money to finish production in exchange for the name change. But they don’t say that, and I have learned not to trust things that Gamezone says or implies.

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