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Reply To: Mantic discontinues The Walking Dead

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Mantic discontinues The Walking Dead Reply To: Mantic discontinues The Walking Dead


Cult of Games Member

it’s not the age … it’s the simple fact that they’re not releasing stuff just to release stuff.
Does this game even need a ‘2nd edition’ ?
I think the anthology pretty much covered any gaps in the rules.
It’s not designed to be ultra competitive and there aren’t any tournements using it, so no one is exploiting any remaining issues.

Yes, the market has trained us to expect ‘new’ stuff at regular intervals as well version updates/reboots for core sets for as long as there are profits to be had.

I think that even if this was as big as Kings of War in sales they would have the capacity to give it the attention it needs.
It was a good run and probably *the* example of how to add a neutral 3rd party threat without overcomplicating the game.

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