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Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion [unofficial weekender] First week of leave done Reply To: [unofficial weekender] First week of leave done


Details.. the things like mold lines that Gerry can pick out but loses in his own photos.

As far as frosting its likely a reaction of the leftover degassing from the superglue. An old forensics trick for lifting fingerprints is sealing a small chamber holding a piece of evidence with a small container of cyanoacrylate and let the degassed adhesive form on fingerprints. Outside of that it could just be the heat. I’ve has the same in the past and switched to airbushing my varnishes. I’ve had little to no issues since.

Cool visitor. It looks like a Northern goshawk to me. I don’t bird watch so I can’t say for certain. As long as Gerry and his fluffy little ears is ok I think that would be a neat regular to see in your garden.

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