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Reply To: The Cult of Lard

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Cult of Games Member

Yeah, someone should do a sociology PhD in the morphing of the tribal instinct into toxic brand loyalty.  Add in the charisma of the actual Lardies (who are really great, personable and knowledgable guys who do a great deal for the hobby) which has morphed a bit into a cult of personality, and then the general toxicity of the internet, internet forums and the whole “basement warrior” ethos of so many of us repressed, introverted geeky males, and we end up here.

I’ve seen it all over online wargaming culture as an innate trait.  Interesting to see that the Lardies have become so prominent that they have generated such widely spread “cult following”.  GW have had the phenomenon for years – with an apparent army of “GWombies” who are ready to instantly pounce on a perceived criticism with a barrage of apologesis (look at Discourse Miniatures experience – and read the comments in her youtube).  And of course the mirror image applies too where often pro-GW observations get pounced on by the “Everything GW Does Is Evil” brigade.

Of course there is a phenomenon too where popularity of an idea creates numbers, and swimming against the stream is just that – proposing  a minority view – such that the sheer number of people you are “arguing” with is tiring, even when they are being polite.  It feels often like wading in treacle.

Great to be a part of a community like OTT here, where discussion can be frank but generally there is a good quality of discussion and “pile-ons” are rare.  I remember the 70’s when in Australia there was open hostility and actual violence between Ford car-owners and General Motors car-owners.  At least we haven’t gone as far as the normies! :0D

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