Rubicon Models Previews Prototype 28mm Buildings

November 16, 2014 by stvitusdancern

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Rubicon Models has posted on their forums some information about a possible set of 28mm terrain that could be used in the likes of Bolt Action or other games.

Prototype 1

They stress this is only a WIP and may never come to fruition if the development costs outweigh possible profit margins. They are asking for input on the forum from their fans and customers to see what it is that they are looking for and what they think of the prototypes they have produced up to this point.

Prototype 2

These buildings will be made out of plastic and have several options along with doors and windows to provide more depth and texture to the terrain. They state on the forum page:

Our goal is to create a generic Modular Plastic Building for the wargaming community.  Advantages of our design include:
Plastic – light weight, sturdy and easy to handle
Modular – meaning you can customize the look of your building
Stackable – every floor and rooftop is removable to show interior
Details – everything are highly detailed
Expandable – expansion products are planned to add variety on a regular basis
Low Cost – most basic components are common to the whole range which meant lower retail price

Sample windows

The designs appear to be generic enough to place them in any time period and local. I always like seeing the design process in action and I especially like how they are asking for input from the public. I know there are many options for terrain out their for the player so it will interesting to see how they can make their product standout.

Assembled Protoype

Does the idea of more options when it comes to terrain, make you wanting more?

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