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Hoth Yourself a Very Merry Giftmas

Hoth Yourself a Very Merry Giftmas

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Two left feet.. er... arms

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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Hooray, the tauntauns have arrived! It’s great to have the project moving along. Time to put these together and see what the fit is like.

With one done its all been great. Getting the second, almost complete success. It seems that the luck of sundancer seems to have extended to this project or Fantasy Flight really has an issue with components for Star Wars Legion. I’ve seen that he had an arm issue with some Crimson Guard that we, the peanut gallery of the Weekender crew, recommended different ways of repairing/replacing. As I looked up info on the Fantasy Flight site and started working with their component reporting system it seems pretty common an issue. Considering that these models “recently” have come out for Q2 and aren’t yet on the replacement list I’ll check back for the next couple of months. If things come down to the wire I’ll just kitbash with what I have. Oh no, the pain of modifying something (can’t you just feel the anguish here?).

Not the left arms I was looking for Not the left arms I was looking for

In the same manner as when I put Boba Fett together these models are very easy to fit together. From that I readily saw that there was the issue with the left arm for one of the riders. With the sheer size of the tauntauns the mass and heft of the plastic tells me that they should hold together during shipment. As it was later reported Santa Fett had a slight issue during the transatlantic trip with breaking. I’ll be sure to leave the riders unaffixed before boxing so they can be attached later.

Starting to think about the modification done to Santa Fett these models needed something festive as well. There is enough space on the backs of the saddles for presents and would make for interesting visual details of other things. Thinking for a moment that there are two I have been inspired to do one with a bag of toys and the other with coal and attached bundle of switches. Again, there will be bells attached as they worked so well the last time. Since they are outfitted for the cold of Hoth it might be good to add some flowing scarves or maybe oversized earmuffs for festive fun. I’ve also got some gloss black basecoat and some fun metallics to play with that should be interesting to put on baubles and ornaments. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do anything like tinsel but I think I’ll try something like that with color shift paints from Turbo Geek (an alternative to Greenstuff World I found here in the US). Customization can be tricky and this game, with these models in particular, seems to offer a challenge on the Giftmas front.

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