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15mm Italian Chapel - Spring Clean Challenge

15mm Italian Chapel - Spring Clean Challenge

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Getting started

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 9
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It’s spring and everyone else seems to be entering something into the spring clean challenge so never one to be a contrarian, I thought I’d have a go.

I’ve already got a couple of projects running looking at the Italian campaign in WWII, most notably, the battles around Monte Cassino (here if you are interested). I’m planning on moving the games further north in Italy and will need some local architecture to set the scene off. Ideally, I would like a chapel and small cemetery that you often see outside of towns in Italy.

The image in the project header is the basis for my project.

So, let’s start with what I have that will be used as the basis. Firstly, I have a small mdf chapel that I purchase on ebay several years ago. It was cheap and I would post a link to the seller but I couldn’t find them. Here it is:

Getting started
Getting started

As you can see, I only ever got as far as gluing it together, priming it and then putting some filler into the gaps. Don’t ask why I used the filler after priming….

I’ve also got some mdf grave stones lying around from some other mdf kit – I can’t remember which one that I will use to make the cemetery.

Finally, I purchased a resin wall set that I think will make an excellent boundary wall for the cemetery.

Here’s my initial trial layout

Getting started

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