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“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!”

“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!”

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Display board WIP - base coating water and planning for a couple more heroes

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Returning to the display board today and to take advantage of the fine weather, I painted the areas of water using a blue Cuprinol wood paint. Now, this is normally used for external sheds, etc, but I used it because I had it left over from a garden job and it was far cheaper to use than Citadel 2.5ml pots for the area coverage I needed to do. The paint will also dry much darker than when it is applied. I can then use lighter blue Citadel paints to get colour variations in the water before applying gloss varnish.

Let’s take a dip in the bright blue sea?Let’s take a dip in the bright blue sea?

I’ve also decided that I could probably get may be one or two more units of knights on to the display board, but they will need some striking heroes. Out of the bottomless bag of holding emerges the Grail Knight Standard Bearer and Baron Odo. I’ve also got a couple of 50mm square Micro Arts based for them as well. So, these two are going to head to the painting table next.

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