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Frostgrave Warband

Frostgrave Warband

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Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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I made a rookie mistake. I built most of a box of Barbarians without giving it too much thought to soldier types in-game wise. This example is a basic thug. Primed them all and they’ve sat unloved for a while now. I think I will try to rig some solo rules to suit the Forgotten Pacts campaign and see how it plays out.

This guy came out nice and neat.

I printed out a checker pattern on a basic printer and glued it to the base. Hoping it would look like a tile floor, but it just didn’t look right so I covered the majority of it with chippings rubble, coffee stirrer planks and snow flock.

The paint job is almost all washes and contrast with some highlights after. He was primed Army Painter Monster Brown I think. Knowing I was using Contrast I gave him a Grey Seer dry brush and this spared me some highlight work. E.g. The hair was literally just a citadel yellow wash over the primer and Grey Seer dry brush.

Braveliver is just a heavy drinker who thinks he’s a hero when drunk. He’s not an alcoholic. Alcoholics go to meetings. He’s just a drunk.

Lloyd shotLloyd shot

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