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Minions of the Von Carsteins.

Minions of the Von Carsteins.

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The Wight King

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 12
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The Wight King

What does a horde of skeletons need? A skeleton with a spikey crown to lead them….

I’ve always thought the Wight king model was awesome….

I thought I’d practice a few techniques to make him a bit more flash.

It’s probably worth starting by explaining the shift in stance on rusted armor when compared with the skeletons. Where I wanted the skeletons to look more like they had dug themselves out of the dirt( despite their immaculately clean red cloths, flags, and banners), I wanted the Wight king to look like his armor had rusted in the open (stale and damp) air of a tomb or barrow.

The scheme is as follows:

Basecoat: Vallejo Metal Colour- Gunmetal Grey

Wash: GW-nuln oil.

Stippled layer: Vallejo – Hull Red -Stipple and stab each steel panel covering most of the panel. Make the stippling most intense towards the center of the ‘panels’ allowing more of the dark metallic color to show towards the edges.

Stippled Highlight: Vallejo – Orange Brown – Lightly stipple this towards the centre of the ‘panel’ spaces where the previous step is most dense.

Edge Highlight: Vallejo Metal Colour – Aluminium.

I feel the best example of this working is on the top of the King’s kettle helmet that the crown sits on top of. For a real-life example, just search ‘rusted sheet metal’ on google images.

The Wight King

The cloak was the next feature I stretched my painting skills on.

The colour used is Vallejo deep green. It is darkened and brightened using Vallejo Black and White.

I started with an attempt at wet blending. Although there were some initially successful results I got fed up with pulling it back and forward and started layering and highlighting the raised areas with a more scratchy brushstroke technique that was not only much quicker, I thought it looked much more like a fabric of some description.

I can’t really remember how I achieved the dirty fir around his shoulders but i think I sloshed on some layers of grey (pretty unceremoniously) making it darker closer to the centre (mixed with black and white). I then washed on some GW- Agrax earth shade and then picked out the tips of the fur with a lighter shade of grey on my wet palette.

The Wight King

The last thing I wanted to try was the weird ‘Warp Stone Shard’ looking Tomb Blade.

I followed a highly recommendable YouTuber’s video using a ‘Hot Green’ colour scheme.

I could be wrong, but think I used a mixture of the following:


Vallejo-Deep green

Vallejo-Light green

Vallejo-Deep green

Vallejo-Lime green

Vallejo-Yellow green



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Cult of Games Member

That sword is gorgeous. Great job!

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