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Manda's (Amachan) Wrath of Metztli

Manda's (Amachan) Wrath of Metztli

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Renovation Painting. (Paint Scheme: Troglodon/Chameleon Skinks)

Tutoring 7
Skill 6
Idea 7
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Since they are renovating my apartment and the entire apartment building I put most of my hobby stuff in storage, but I am just keeping enough out to just paint some more lizards. Now I do need to know what paints I am going to need, so here is a couple of paint schemes for models that I currently have primed and ready to paint over the coming weeks or month or so.


The paint scheme for the Troglodon I am basing on the Common Basilisk, which is not a snake. I am basing the paint scheme of the larger lizardmen creatures on lizards and not on dinosaurs for multiple reasons. For one dinosaurs were most likely warm blooded and GW lore says that all lizardmen creatures are cold blooded. And second, it is very hard to find colour photographs of the actual dinosaurs the models are based on. I am starting with a base of Vallejo Model Color German Cam. Med. Brown (70.826) on the top and blend that down to Vallejo Model Color Golden Olive (70.857) at the belly and blend that to a Vallejo Model Color Dark Yellow (70.978) at the smooth part of the tail. I will add a stripe of Vallejo Model Color Dark Yellow (70.978) going from the eye over the side of the torso and another stripe from the mouth to the front arms. I will then add a blotchy stripe pattern of Scale 75 Scalecolor Petroleum Grey (SC-57) vertically on the model. I will add bands of Scale 75 Scalecolor Petroleum Grey (SC-57) over the tail and the arms and legs. I will then use a wash of Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade (99189953018) over the whole body.

The eyes will be done with Vallejo Game Color Charred Brown (72.045) and receive a dot of Tamiya Color Acrylic Paint Clear Yellow (X-24) after all the varnishes are done.

Chameleon Skinks

The paint scheme for the Chameleon Skinks I am basing on the Veiled Chameleon’s colours when it is hunting and excited. Regardless to popular beliefs, chameleons don’t actually “chameleon” and actually change their colour based on their mood not to fit in with their surrounding. And with these models I think their hunting mood, which is also their excited mood kind of fits the best. It also happens to work the best for camouflage. For the base of the skin I will start with a base coat of Vallejo Model Color Golden Olive (70.857) I will then put a coat of Vallejo Model Air White Grey (71.119) around the mouth and a broken up stripe along the side. For the stripe on the back I am going to roll a D6 on the following table:

  1. Vallejo Model Color Deep Green (70.970)
  2. Scale 75 Scalecolor Petroleum Grey (SC-57)
  3. Vallejo Model Color Beige (70.917)

Those markings will have dots of Vallejo Model Color Golden Olive (70.857) throughout and the pattern go all the way through their arms, legs and tail. Around the crests on the head I will add a bit of Vallejo Game Color Scarlet Red (72.012) and the wash for the skin will be Citadel Shade Athonian Camoshade (99189953024). The inside of the eyes will be done with Vallejo Game Color Charred Brown (72.045) and receive a dot of gloss varnish after all the varnishes are done.

The insides of the mouth and tongue will get a basecoat of Vallejo Model Color Light Flesh (70.928) and a wash of Citadel Shade Carroburg Crimson (99189953016).

Cool Lizard... 🤘Cool Lizard... 🤘

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