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Zebraoutrider lets slip the Dogs of War

Zebraoutrider lets slip the Dogs of War

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Baron Otto’s Treasure Seekers…

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
Baron Otto’s Treasure Seekers…

All armies need ground troops and so for this growing force I’ve added a unit of veteran swordsmen commanded by Baron Otto Von Auerswald and a unit of crossbowmen to provide him with appropriate missile support.

Again, these minis were covered in dust which my portable dust buster dealt with quite effectively. The movement tray had no rear edge, so a created one by cutting down old blister plastic packing and supergluing in place. To fill out the spare spaces on the movement trays, I glued down recycled 20mm square bases discarded from the Pikemen of Pugno upgrade, but I also added a Scibor Ancient Ruin 25mm square base to add a bit more character to their environment and to help with moving the trays on the battlefield.

The minis themselves were refreshed simply with washes of Nuln Oil, Reikland Fleshshade, Baal Red, Carroburg Crimson, Drakenhof Nightshade and Cassandra Yellow.

These minis came as a unit of 16 and for the swordsmen you actually had the option of swapping out the swords and shields for halberds. The standard bearers, musicians and leaders all used metal components for their arms and/or heads. Not sure what the best lineup for the crossbowmen would be best in gaming terms, but I’ve opted to keep them in four ranks to mirror the swordsmen.  These minis came as a unit of 16 and for the swordsmen you actually had the option of swapping out the swords and shields for halberds. The standard bearers, musicians and leaders all used metal components for their arms and/or heads. Not sure what the best lineup for the crossbowmen would be best in gaming terms, but I’ve opted to keep them in four ranks to mirror the swordsmen.
The Baron (Warhammer Quest Imperial Noble from 1989) joins his veterans, but in gaming terms can be removed from the movement tray to act as an independent character - or to run away if his unit is destroyed!The Baron (Warhammer Quest Imperial Noble from 1989) joins his veterans, but in gaming terms can be removed from the movement tray to act as an independent character - or to run away if his unit is destroyed!
These Empire Soldier plastic minis are long OOP, but retain the character of WFB and WFRP from the Old World setting. These Empire Soldier plastic minis are long OOP, but retain the character of WFB and WFRP from the Old World setting.
Next up those Freebooters who have proved to be a bit more of a handful than I’d first thought…Next up those Freebooters who have proved to be a bit more of a handful than I’d first thought…

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Cult of Games Member

Quite a few models and definitely the care for them shows.

Cult of Games Member

2023-05-09 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

Cult of Games Member

I am loving the look of this project, I absolutely love the idea of the unit name and size on the movement tray. I might steal that idea.

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