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‘Begun, this Clone Force has’ – starting out on Star Wars Legion

‘Begun, this Clone Force has’ – starting out on Star Wars Legion

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Arc Troopers deploying

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 5
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24th June 2023

This week it has been the turn of the Arc Troopers.

For the armour stage I included Echo and Fives, the two named characters.

But after that stage I concentrated on the core five.

Same process as for the rest of the clones.

Tidy up the armour, run through the dreaded body suit stage, tidy up mistakes again, lay down the yellow, tidy up…. again.

Then onto highlighting the yellow and painting in the coloured buttons on their left arms.


Arc Troopers deploying
Arc Troopers deploying

Then the rest of the core Arc Troopers, and I have a five clone squad complete.

Arc Troopers deploying
Arc Troopers deploying

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