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The Empire Responds to the invasion of the Uruk Hai

The Empire Responds to the invasion of the Uruk Hai

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Dungeon. Complete…..admittedly it’s sci-fi. Close enough though.

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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This project has been a pleasure to bring together. It has been cheap, dirty and quick. But it looks just fine. Its crudity and speed of assembly has been masked by the process of layering details and spray finishes. It becomes a backdrop to the real focus of the board, the miniatures. Much of the supremely detailed and high end finishes on some boards leaves me flat when I experience it in anything like real world situations, it’s too detailed. But for photographs and dioramas the high end finishes are breath taking and leave me droooling. But to game and experience as a gamer? Too much going on for a game, I get lost and lose miniatures in it. So for gaming, this system is perfect, it shows a scene while emphasising the playing pieces. The miniatures.

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