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Operation 21st

Operation 21st

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The Plan.

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So why is this called Operation 21st?
In the Muv-Luv series; the aliens known as the BETA (The Beings of Extra Terrestrial origin which is Adversary to the human race) construct these towering structures called monuments and they are labeled where they are and what number in sequence is this hive.
The 21st Hive is built on the island of Sade in Japan; also known as Sadogashima.
I have seen on YouTube scenes of the famed battle; the Battle of Sadogashima or Operation 21st and then when the anime came out; I watched all of the episodes related to the battle.
Mostly, a youtube channel called Yamamto Mech Battles done a two part series based on this famed battle amongst the Muv-Luv fandom. I was so inspired by these videos that I made a game so I can recreate them on the tabletop.
So… the plan.

After scaling out the screenshot of the map of Sadogashima taken on google earth and resizing it so 1After scaling out the screenshot of the map of Sadogashima taken on google earth and resizing it so 1"=1km. The original plan was 1"=100m but it took up so much space that I zoomed out to this scale of 1"=1km. In this ground scale; it may allow on-mapa artillery guns to be justified; even self-propelled howitzers and still allow practically all of Whiskey Unit to be present on the table. Some of the more notable units mentioned in the battle are labeled and where they roughly landed to retake the island. This image is taken directly from the supplement that I am creating so others can game this battle as well.

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