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Kira's Club Terrain - A Spring Clean Challenge

Kira's Club Terrain - A Spring Clean Challenge

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Week 4 - Pledge

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My Pledge for Week 4: Monday 16th April 2024 – Sunday 21st April 2024

It’s been a fun few weeks getting into the swing of some regular hobby progression and squaring away some of the smaller things I’ve had outstanding for a little while now but ultimately I got into this to sort some more terrain for the West Moor Gaming Club and, sadly, there is not a lot of demand for 15mm WW2 era terrain going at the moment.

Until that changes it’s time to start on something that fits onto the more common line up of games. Sci-fi, 28mm and Grimdark.

And so, my plan is to start working on this:

Lots of plastic waiting for some love and attention~Lots of plastic waiting for some love and attention~

“What is that?” might reasonably ask. A pile of plastic to be sure but what is it destined to become.

This is a collection of pieces from Archon’s Rampart series of terrains, specifically the City Ruins set. If you look back at the prologue I had a whole mess of Rampart pieces awaiting being properly tended to and with these I intend to start tackling that particular mountain.
I only hope that is everything from the City Ruins as there sure is a lot in those trays from a few of the sets but if not, there is certainly enough to be getting on with here.

As for my pledge itself with this: I find myself in a similar position to when I started the 4Ground kits in that I am don’t have a great idea of how quick I can work through this stuff as it has been a good few years since I seriously worked on anything from Archon (like some of the original Dungeons & Lasers) so here is what I plan to do.

Given the sheer amount of pieces here I think that this might realistically be a multi-week job to get done without abandoning everything else going on in the real work so it’s time to take a measure of working on these.
With 5 days left to me in this pledge week, I am going to clean up as much of this as possible and then use that to give an idea of how long it might take to get it all done. I am hoping the whole lot could be about 2 weeks, maybe 3 at the outside but I shall reconvene at the end of this week and see how things have gone.
If nothing else, I plan to transition to painting once this subset is ready rather than spending months cleaning and building it all but still not having it ready for the table.

How will I get on? Check back after the weekend to see.

Next Post

I’ll be back at the end of the week to report on proceedings. Will it be Sunday? Will it be Monday? Tuesday?

Who knows. Existence is chaos and time is a flat circle with no meaning.
Until then.

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