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spring clean challenge :  Oisin

spring clean challenge : Oisin

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Project Blog by caileendeas Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 286

About the Project

Three years ago Gerry (@Avernos) gifted me the most wonderful D&D miniature red dragon ....... My favourite colour being turquoise we decided on the spot to paint in that colour. The plan for the dragon is to paint it and creat a diorama around it involving a giant and some wolves. This year at Salute I got the giant and wolves so it is about time i got back onto this project . I built it about three years ago and then painted it... but made the school boy error of taking it to work for an assembly and allowing children to touch it. That chipped the paint so needed to fix However it did result in several students becoming interested in paining. Then i changed my mind on the colours so I am afraid it is still a work in progress and my aim is to complete it this summer once we start the school holidays (3 more weeks) This Covid thing has meant very little time to paint but have made myself start it again so I will complete it

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Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I cannot dry brush to save my life so I backed these when the went to kick-starter in the hopes thew would help ... they did. I cannot dry brush to save my life so I backed these when the went to kick-starter in the hopes thew would help ... they did.
I used the same colour I painted him with.  Using circular motion on the figure I attempted dry-brushing.  It is important to have almost all the paint off the brush hence the title dry-brushing .   I used the same colour I painted him with. Using circular motion on the figure I attempted dry-brushing. It is important to have almost all the paint off the brush hence the title dry-brushing .
Still lots more to do Still lots more to do


Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Blue wash seemed the best colour to shaded as i did not want a darh shade as that would have made him too dark and green was too close Blue wash seemed the best colour to shaded as i did not want a darh shade as that would have made him too dark and green was too close
Mixed with medium to aid the flow and to ensure it went into all the recesses  Mixed with medium to aid the flow and to ensure it went into all the recesses
Hobby craft is a good place to get medium Hobby craft is a good place to get medium
Always knew these make up sample pots would be useful.  I mixed a 50-50 of wash and medium Always knew these make up sample pots would be useful. I mixed a 50-50 of wash and medium
I applied liberally with a big brush I applied liberally with a big brush

Air brush

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I mixed the paint and some air brush thinner to ensure the paint was of the right consistency to flow through the air brushI mixed the paint and some air brush thinner to ensure the paint was of the right consistency to flow through the air brush
I painted using long think strokes starting off the figure then using downward motions.  I painted using long think strokes starting off the figure then using downward motions.
It is important not to over fill the air brush as otherwise it cloggs but with patience and the turn table I was able to get good coverage.It is important not to over fill the air brush as otherwise it cloggs but with patience and the turn table I was able to get good coverage.
I painted the body first.  I did my best not to be too close but equally not too far away or no colour will be laid down.   It is important not to stay in one are too long as lots of thin layers achieve the best results.  I painted the body first. I did my best not to be too close but equally not too far away or no colour will be laid down. It is important not to stay in one are too long as lots of thin layers achieve the best results.
I did the wings in one long stroke each time checking for flow on some cardboard before going near the modelI did the wings in one long stroke each time checking for flow on some cardboard before going near the model

Prepping for painting

Tutoring 6
Skill 5
Idea 6
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I had made the decision that the underside of the wing was going to be a lighter colour.  .... I know my own painting abilities or lack of abilities and knew I would overstep....... Solution was BLUE TAC .... I covered each section I did not want paint one using blue tac   I had made the decision that the underside of the wing was going to be a lighter colour. .... I know my own painting abilities or lack of abilities and knew I would overstep....... Solution was BLUE TAC .... I covered each section I did not want paint one using blue tac
It was not a difficult task..... though I would say don't put it on too thickly It was not a difficult task..... though I would say don't put it on too thickly
Prepping for painting
Because he is so heavy I invested in a simple turntable from ebay so that I can rotate the dragon and my arms do not get too tired from the weight ( yes I am a wimp!!!!!)Because he is so heavy I invested in a simple turntable from ebay so that I can rotate the dragon and my arms do not get too tired from the weight ( yes I am a wimp!!!!!)
I ensured his under belly as well as under the wings were covered fully in Blue Tac....... I ensured his under belly as well as under the wings were covered fully in Blue Tac.......
Prepping for painting

Decision on colours

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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While Oisin and the Milliput set in the sun I made the decision that Caribbean Blue was the perfect colour as despite its name it is more turquoise than blue.    While Oisin and the Milliput set in the sun I made the decision that Caribbean Blue was the perfect colour as despite its name it is more turquoise than blue.
As you can see here one is blue and the other is a definite turquoise...... so then it was time get on with it and stop looking for excuses As you can see here one is blue and the other is a definite turquoise...... so then it was time get on with it and stop looking for excuses

Covid-19 Lockdown and Oisin

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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So I got to the point where I need some break from teaching online etc and working 6 days a week.  Oisin sat there winking me so I decided to answer his call So I got to the point where I need some break from teaching online etc and working 6 days a week. Oisin sat there winking me so I decided to answer his call
Before i could start paointing I decided to sort out his talons that were broken..... I could not have him less than whole.   Just like previously I used Milliput to model them (and yes I forgot that if I used spit I would taste the Milliput.....let me reassure you it tastes foul.) Before i could start paointing I decided to sort out his talons that were broken..... I could not have him less than whole. Just like previously I used Milliput to model them (and yes I forgot that if I used spit I would taste the Milliput.....let me reassure you it tastes foul.)
When it was dry I then primed it in white so I had a blank canvas to try and get the image in my head to a reality When it was dry I then primed it in white so I had a blank canvas to try and get the image in my head to a reality

Spring clean challange Oisin

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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I had tried painting in Colbolt blue as thought it was stricking.   However, when i took it to school for an assembly it got chipped so needed to be restarted.   I had tried painting in Colbolt blue as thought it was stricking. However, when i took it to school for an assembly it got chipped so needed to be restarted.
I was also not happy with the wings so back to the drawing board I went. I was also not happy with the wings so back to the drawing board I went.

Balancing the base.

Tutoring 9
Skill 8
Idea 10
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My plan was to be able to build a diorama at some point when my skills are up to it so I needed Oisin to be able to stand level.  To be fiar it also helps with the painting if he is level.My plan was to be able to build a diorama at some point when my skills are up to it so I needed Oisin to be able to stand level. To be fiar it also helps with the painting if he is level.
I used more Milliput and a modelling tool to create stones that matched the model.  The reason for using Milliput rather than Green Stuff is that the former cures to a harder finish rather than a rubbery finish that is the result if using Green Stuff.I used more Milliput and a modelling tool to create stones that matched the model. The reason for using Milliput rather than Green Stuff is that the former cures to a harder finish rather than a rubbery finish that is the result if using Green Stuff.
The advantage if having the harder finish it is is easier to sculpt with a blade and/or file afterwards The advantage if having the harder finish it is is easier to sculpt with a blade and/or file afterwards
Balancing the base.
Milliput must be mixed in a 1:1 ratio of adhesive (yellow one) to hardener (grey one) .   Moisten any surface you will be working it one anf this includes your hands.  WHY????? Because it stops it sticking on everything ....... spit/ saliva does work just as well as water (shhhhhhh don’t tell my kids I said use spit as it will gross my daughter out)  Also side-note....Milliput tastes UTTERLY FOUL.!!!! You have now been warned ..... my taste buds have recovered but not an experience I am rusin.Milliput must be mixed in a 1:1 ratio of adhesive (yellow one) to hardener (grey one) . Moisten any surface you will be working it one anf this includes your hands. WHY????? Because it stops it sticking on everything ....... spit/ saliva does work just as well as water (shhhhhhh don’t tell my kids I said use spit as it will gross my daughter out) Also side-note....Milliput tastes UTTERLY FOUL.!!!! You have now been warned ..... my taste buds have recovered but not an experience I am rusin.

His might powerful wing

Tutoring 9
Skill 8
Idea 10
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His wing were too heavy to be able to stay where they needed to with just superglue.  Therefore a little engineering was required.  Each wing had a hook inserted and interlinked in the void of the body.  Milliput was then used to further fill this game with the view to providing strnght for the wings in the long term... The wings were then glued with superglue and baking power . Why baking powder you  may ask...... well the reason is baking powder speeds up the setting of the superglue and fills any gaps..... therefore killing two birds with one stone......quite a useful trick to have up your sleeve. His wing were too heavy to be able to stay where they needed to with just superglue. Therefore a little engineering was required. Each wing had a hook inserted and interlinked in the void of the body. Milliput was then used to further fill this game with the view to providing strnght for the wings in the long term... The wings were then glued with superglue and baking power . Why baking powder you may ask...... well the reason is baking powder speeds up the setting of the superglue and fills any gaps..... therefore killing two birds with one stone......quite a useful trick to have up your sleeve.
His might powerful wing
His might powerful wing

Oisin Construction part one

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 9
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Here we see his main body built.  However he has a very heavy tail that requires some moral support( in the from of a pin) to be able to stand proud as any self respecting Dragon needs to.Here we see his main body built. However he has a very heavy tail that requires some moral support( in the from of a pin) to be able to stand proud as any self respecting Dragon needs to.

Oisin in parts

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 9
No Comments
He came in several parts that needed a little flashing removed and then needed to be builtHe came in several parts that needed a little flashing removed and then needed to be built

Building Oisin

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 9
1 Comment
Inspiration of the colour pallet that I would like to choose .Inspiration of the colour pallet that I would like to choose .

Spring Clean Challange Oisin

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 9
No Comments
Oising had  broken talons and I used Milliput to sculpt replacements Oising had broken talons and I used Milliput to sculpt replacements

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