Mr Smythe Heralds New Secrets Of The Third Reich Supplement

November 16, 2015 by brennon

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West Wind have shown off the first model ahead of their Ruined Britannia supplement which will be part of the new website and Secrets Of The Third Reich soon. Mr Smythe might look like a regular English gentleman but he has a dark streak I'm sure.

Mr Smythe

Now that is a great little model. Armed with a bloody dagger he has been masquerading with some group or other before making sure someone has a very bad day indeed. All of this was done with a stiff upper lip I'm sure.

This is sounding like a very interesting supplement and I look forward to what and who else joins the fight alongside Mr Smythe.

Will you be keeping an eye on this?

"This is sounding like a very interesting supplement and I look forward to what and who else joins the fight alongside Mr Smythe..."

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